Celebrating the World Food Day

The project “Healthy Life for Everyone“, proposed by our nutritionist Cátia Cavaco Salgueiro, will launch on October 16, 2019, to celebrate the World Food Day. Students and caregivers of Conthey, Canton Valais, will be able to participate in various workshops hosted by the nutritionist, in collaboration with Amélia Pessoa, a teacher of Portuguese Language and Culture (Ensino de Português no Estrangeiro, EPE) from Instituto Camões.

As Portugal is still one of the European countries with the highest percentage of childhood obesity, and considering that the customs and habits are transversal to the Portuguese communities in the diaspora, we think that it is pertinent to develop an event of this scope in collaboration with the EPE, namely on World Food Day.

In the project “Healthy Life for Everyone”, we combine hands-on science, art, music, theatre, games and cooking to explore the theme of nutrition and to encourage a healthier life. We aim at helping children to achieve their full potential while stimulating critical thinking, self-esteem, creativity and autonomy. Here, participants are reborn as active elements in their learning process and are encouraged to take informed decisions about their life. Stay tuned!